When considering what foods to provide for your Bearded Dragon remember that in the wild, they are omnivorous, meaning they feed on a variety of invertebrates, vegetation and fruits. You should therefore aim to provide them with Nutrient-Rich Bearded Dragon Diet that replicates their wild diet as closely as possible.
The insect/vegetable ratio in the diet varies throughout their lifecycle. The diet of a a Beardie less than a year old should consist of about 70% insects and 30% vegetables. This diet will reverse to approx. 70% vegetables and 30% insects once your Beardie grows to adulthood.
Bring as much as possible variation into your Bearded Dragon’s diet to make sure that your dragon receives all possible essential nutrients.
With our powdered foods designed for Bearded Dragons it’s easy to make sure that your dragons receive all the nutrients they need.
If you would like to know more about Bearded Dragon care we have a care sheet for you here: Bearded Dragon Care