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Arcadia Jungle Dawn LEDs

Include Jungle Dawn LEDs in your reptile lighting setup for reptiles from arid and desert environments. Provide full-spectrum lighting for natural behavior and health.

The pineal gland, a photoreceptor linked to a light-sensing organ, regulates sleep and bodily functions in reptiles.

For diurnal species like Bearded Dragons and Blue Tongued Skinks, offer full-spectrum visible light for natural behavior regulation.

Opt for Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED Bars, connecting them to your ProT5 UVB Kit for a comprehensive lighting solution.

Control the lighting configuration with a timed circuit for an automated daily photoperiod, optimizing the heating and lighting setup.

Encourage plant growth in Bio Active vivariums with efficient Jungle Dawn LEDs promoting vegetative growth and flowering.

LEDs, although pricier, are cost-effective in the long term, being energy-efficient and lasting up to five times longer.

Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED lights are ideal for amphibian setups with live plants, suitable for various reptiles and amphibians.

Perfect for orchid keepers and growing light-loving exotic plants, Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED systems are perfect in terrariums or hydroponics.

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