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Reptiles and amphibians, being ectothermic or cold-blooded, lack the ability to internally generate body heat like mammals and birds. They depend on external heating sources for crucial physiological functions.

Thermoregulation allows reptiles to adjust body temperature by moving between warmer and cooler areas. In their natural habitat, radiant heat from the sun and surfaces like branches and rocks serve as direct and indirect heat sources.

In captivity, we replicate this through a heating system with reptiles in our care relying on us to provide the required warmth. Heating equipment such as halogen basking lamps, ceramic heaters, and heat mats help us to recreate natural conditions, stimulating the animal’s innate thermoregulating behaviour.

Thermostats play a crucial role in controlling and regulating the temperature, ensuring optimal conditions. Establishing appropriate heat gradients and environmental conditions is essential for the overall health and vitality of these captivating creatures.

A proper heating system is a vital component of a natural vivarium setup.

To cater to your pet reptile’s specific needs, we offer a range of high-quality heating solutions. Explore our products to find the optimal solution for your reptile’s well-being.

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