Many reptiles and amphibians require a warm basking spot for optimal energy and UV exposure. In a vivarium they regulate body temperature through radiant heat from lighting systems or basking heat lamps, such as Ceramic Heater Lamps or Halogen Basking Lamps.
Maintaining a temeprature gradient in the vivarium, with a higher temperature at one end and a lower temperature at the other, is fundamental in reptile care. This thermal gradient, enables reptiles to choose and access their preferred temperature.
In their natural habitat, reptiles use sun-heated surfaces like branches or rocks as heat conductors. To replicate this in the vivarium, place a natural slate or rock beneath the heat lamp, ensuring a safe distance for your pet.
Ensuring the proper thermal gradient is crucial, and as husbandry has evolved, so has the understanding of providing the correct intensity of UV light and full-spectrum light. This comprehensive approach, known as The Light and Shade method, is now integral to reptile care.
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